jolly fine Bandyaids.
Monday, June 30, 2008,
hai! today was monotonously.... monotonous. well duh. poa was just a repeat of what we learnt in previous lessons, even then the mini test was not done well T.T craaaaaak. physics was also kinda. low productive thing. didnt put in effort so like shit like that la! history and ss was fun, mr sexy, before and after recess. THEN. comes the dreaded 4 math lessons. one teacher even asked me 'waaaa. you guys have 4 prds ah? so powerful' haha. cute. ofcourse we are powerful! 4E6 leh. then ms cheryl how came by too. at first of four prds and last prd. last period we gossip like nobody's business man. wahahahah. damn. freggin. funny. she was saying (NO OFFENCE AH ANY GUYS OUT THERE WHO HAPPEN TO HAVE SMALL EYES) that out of ten guys with small eyes, nine are very scheming and cunning. hee. then we went on to talk about schools... she said ngeeann got hot buff boys while singapore have got nerdy types ^-^ haha. rest of talk/gossip shall not be revealed. kept for own consumption. or something. haha. bye! studies! Labels: School. :), Studyinghard
Saturday, June 28, 2008,
♥ yeahyeahyeah.
Plugged in: Rooftops -Lostprophets hello people. i love this song. STANDING ON THE ROOFTOPS, EVERYBODY SCREAM YOUR HEART OUT!!!!!!! keyword being scream your H-E-A-R-T out :D yeah. not literally, duh. Will we always say we tried? yeah. this line makes sense too. try only ah.?! haha. thanks to isaac, who 'intro-ed' this song, then i realized i've been searching for this song since frever! wahahaha. i didn't know the title. i'm made happier thanks to this song. recently i've been kind of a freggin emo femo. but i'm trying (here it is again =\) to get out of this sticky web. i will okay? :D BYE! I'M GOING TO CHURCH TOMORROW, I'M SO HAPPY :D i missed 2 or 3 weeks of church alr, not that i'm proud :x SCREAM YOUR HEART OUT! Yeah baby. i'll post something funny next time round ^-^
Thursday, June 26, 2008,
You know what? me neither.
sometimes things like this makes me feel so vulnerable. i dont like the feeling of being pressured, i believe no one does. this little things that keeps me afraid, like a child afraid of jumping right into the pool, afraid of the depth, of the darkness. of course, to know th joys you must first have the bravery to jump i right? right. but maybe, i'm just a coward. scardy cat kinda thing. crying doesn't help me, no. it just makes my eyes shrink to a smaller size. but sometimes the release can be just so... undescribable. i got a confession babeh. wanna hear? some are afraid of the big bad wolf. i'm just afraid of relationships ): ---------------------------------------------------------- like a child afraid of the bogeyman, i'm afraid. idk, maybe i should become a nun or sonething. haha. great joke eliz, great joke. wo zhen de bu dong, wei she me wo zhe me pa. pa she me? ta dou bu chi ren. ta ma de. wo dong ni du bu dong. sua. i'm so emo today. haha. i'll wear red tmr. Labels: Emorant =\, Weh random :D
Today was f&n practical. it was overallly okay, but individually all are failures. sweh sweh i kena separated from my class. put with 5A2's F&N students. very nervous, almost panic attack-ed. I over-marinated the minced chicken and it ended up super salty but i like it :D Cooked Chicken Pasta, Mushroom Soup and Scotch Eggs. and here are the peekchers!!! Chicken Pasta. and the rest are for you to guess. bye. Lin, take care of yourself pls. idk whats going on most of the time, being the goondu i am. you gotta update me, my antaena's kinda short and not programmed for mystery. love ya hen duo hen duo okay. Labels: PICTUREZ.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008,
Spinechill. brrrrrrrrr.
Imstole this questionaire from Valerie-Dominic Meimei. so fun. haha. What color is your toothbrush? ► Red. Brand's jordan. haha. Name one person that made you smile today? ► Jerry. nephew. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? ► looking at val's blog. What is your favorite candy bar? ► Fox i guess! but i like others too :D Have you ever been to a beach? ► Yah. duh -.- What is the last thing you said aloud? ► okay now you go and shower. What is the best ice cream flavor? ►idk. dont remember the name. What was the last thing you had to drink? ► Water What are you wearing right now? ► black tee green shorts What was the last thing you ate? ► cereal at 12 noon. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? ► naaaaaaah. i bought shoes though! When was the last time you ran? ► Last night. hehhehhheh. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? ► Sweetz. yeah man. Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace? ► I didnt open an account there :D Do you take vitamins daily? ► i dont have any. Do you go to church every Sunday? ► i try not to skip Do you have a phone? ► Yea. it's th most common see E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E you turn. sony ericsson. Do you like Chinese food better than pizza? ► I like both man. haha. Do you drink your soda with a straw? ► yes i do! What did your last text message say? ► Jere's at his fren's place Are you studying? ► Trying to la. kinda not working. What are you doing tomorrow? ► F&N practical. dang. Where is your dad? ► Working! Look to your left, what do you see? ► Blue wall, empty bottle. What color is your watch? ► Red. again. Do you use lipstick? ► Naw. dont have to. What is your favourite color? ► Red, black. kinda emo, but im not. plz. What's your favorite number? ► 13. same as val :D Do you have a dog? ► used to have a chiwawah. Last time you smiled? ► 3 minutes ago. When you last cried? ► a few weeks back. Have you met anyone famous? ► I dont remember.. maybe? Any plans today? ►Study, edit DM, eat food, and survive. Ever gone to mars? ► Nope! will go if you pay for me. haha. What are you doing now? ► thinking about some things. that i shall not say :x Last song listened to? ► Strawberry fields forever. the beatles. Who made you laugh today? ► Gab. Jere. Postman. Jas. and more to come. Do you have a maid service clean your house? ► I do my own housework :D it's tiring marn. Favorite food? ► Subs, LJ, KFC! but i love my mom's cooking the most. Is anyone jealous of you? ► I wont know will i? haha. Do you love anyone? ► Absolutely. my dad and mom and sissies and buddies and God and my enemies. :) And more! Do any of your friends have children? ► Yep. What do you feel like doing now? ► Jogging. but the weather will kill me with a fork man. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? ► i dont hate. i dislike :D Do you use the word 'hello' daily? ► Why not? Have you ever seen a ghost? ► Nah =\ How old are you? ► Hi I'm twenty five :D Who taught you how to use the computer? ► the computer man. i think. dont remember. Anyway, i didnt go to school today. woke up at 6.30 to pain in leg. so i stayed at home and slept like nobody's business. jas called afterschool and told me i missed a lot during f&n =\ dangit. but lets hope cooking goes well tomorrow. *fingers crossed* i watched the happening yesterday! haha. the most vivid scene is at the beginning when the lady took a chopstick thingy out of her hair and stabbed herself in the neck S-L-O-W-L-Y. ![]() here it is! not very nice la. but i was imagining it to happen anytime for 2 minutes after the movie ended. you know. people start to freeze, one start to walk backwards, towards whatever that can kill themselves. if i was there i'd squart down and close my eyes. haha. not a very good idea tho. Labels: Questionaire, School. :), Weh random :D
Saturday, June 21, 2008,
Hello! according to, i havent blogged since the sixteenth! which is 5 days ago! anyway, this june holiday's been HECTIC. i've been going around telling people i'm twenty-five, they were like 'serious?!?!' no la, duh. have been involved with st ant's children day camp with gabriel, veh fun ahhhhhhh. knew some kids! esther, jonathan, genevieve, gabriel (again T.T), and more. went for amplify yesterday, so fun. everyone was so high. everyone from jordan was there except oliver and gabriel. was hanging out with gab and friends, and was talking about friends. like, real friends ah. how many of your friends are you willing to die for? idk. haha. i think a handful only man. actually i have many things to blog about, but this whole friends thing is blocking them out. bye! think about it. too. i just thought of something! HEART. He Encounter Available Respond Transform. Where's the trust, man?
Monday, June 16, 2008,
You are, my Glorious.
Hello people! I'm back from the best, best, best camp ever. Looks great don't it? oh, it's a spiritual camp, i must add, and boy. was it fun or what!! 4 days of P&W! met some wonderful friends like groupmates Juanita, John Joshua, Dominic, Matthew, Gabriel, Oliver- no Twist jokes -.-, Perry! Roommates Cassandra, Jun Rui (JR), Cecilia, Charmaine, Andreanna, Noel! Facilitators John and Marion. Random friends i made, and will treasure: Andrew, Rachel, Rebecca, Claire (the Criket girl)! Oh boy. did they make a difference in my life or what man! 4 days of not enough sleep, sneaking out to meet the guys to chat ( hehhehheh, havent done that in ages.), gossiping (sorry God =\ girls are prone to doing that), and just loving one another! on the last day, i was like SAD times ten to the power of infinity. oh! i'll just show you my roommates! From top left hand, and going clockwise: Cecilia, Andreanna, JR, me, Charmain, Noel, and Cass! Ultamite candid shot. i'm missing them already ): no pictures of my facils man! oh one of marion in a uber retard pose! Marion, marion. hehe. so cute hor. We didnt get a group photo ): *toot* sad ley. but hopefully will see them again on friday!!!!!!!!!! *do the silly shake butt dance*. GOD BLESS ALL MY NEW FRIENDS :D I'M SOOO HAPPY! To add to my joy, my parents bought me a lappie! it's black and emo! turned off by emo huh? Corrections: It's black and sleek!!!! Compaq. here i'll getcha a picture! ![]() pretty thing! bye people. many loves. Labels: Camp:D, Happypost, PICTUREZ.
Monday, June 9, 2008,
Many zaopians
nice shoes, i know ^-^ converse double tongue, my sissy's. this pink is soooo nice. unlike the brighter version . junks to make me happy :) grape is nicer. but the bird-shaped one is even nicer! k you dont know what i'm talking about. bye. st. michael church, went there today. very nice church. smelly turtles. at Farmart. the one in the centre is like, ' hey, watcha looking at?!' big hamsters. really big. hamster with tail. na. call it a mouse. so pretty! Rabbit! cute and huge, armed with a powerful kick. didnt stick around to try. black promfet. must be expensive :0 Labrador park, pretty dont you think? another one.. study-slack. met up at jp, look at them busy texters. so i read tintin! very boring book tho. Farmart again. cousin! kaikai. he's got beeeg eyes. and a great smile. his sister! smiling fakely for the camera. again :] barbeque at chevron's. chuanfeng's. after singapore poly openhouse dumplings! this is my nephew (: he's Adorable with a capital A. Grandfather's Shop, coke cans! so many. kiasu collecting, literally. haunted tree. nelson getting high on oldies music. I suddenly felt like blogging a long post filled with words and pictures. picture goes back a few weeks T.T. im a discoordinated blogger i know thanks bye! Labels: PICTUREZ., Weh random :D
Thursday, June 5, 2008,
9 songs to save the world
Helllew :] just got a mood boost by duffy's mercy :D i told jas i'm sick of this song, i'm going to change it but it still gives me a boost =\ maybe i wont change it afterall. idk! rawr. so tired. had a game of online mahjong on neopets :D damn slow going. :D i've decided to change afterall hehheh. bye lovebugs. Labels: Weh random :D |